of Calligraphy2024-09-04T08:32:33+00:00Nurul Journal Systems<div id="content"> <div id="journalDescription"> <div id="content"> <div id="journalDescription"> <h2>Journal of Calligraphy</h2> <div id="content"> <div id="journalDescription"> <p><em><img class="size-large alignright" src="" width="200" height="300" />Jouarnal of Calligraphy</em> is an open-access journal that publishes peer-reviewed articles on the world of calligraphy. The articles that can be published is about calligraphy (practice, theory, research, and development) from the global value perspective. It can discuss the history, tools/materials, technique/design/style, worldview, knowledge and civilization, digital-computerized, emerging technologies, education/teaching, conservation and restoration, visual psychology, marketing and management, global trend and future that are suitable with the worldwide value of calligraphy. Furthermore, papers that explore other disciplinary around calligraphy, such as art, history, archaeology, anthropology, culture, computer science, sociology, psychology, architecture, education/teaching, are also welcome. This journal talks about architecture in past years (history/traditional calligraphy), recent years, and the future (contemporary calligraphy). Finally, it not only speaks about calligraphy in the narrow scope of calligraphy but its global dimensions.</p> <p>E-ISSN 2797-8788</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div>'lim al-khatt al-'Arabi wa tanmiyat maharatihi تعليم الخط العربي وتنمية مهاراته2024-09-03T13:27:30+00:00سامي بن عباد الطويرقي<p>This study examines the teaching of Arabic calligraphy in Saudi Arabia by analyzing the theoretical and educational foundations of this essential skill, focusing on identifying the skills required for learning Arabic calligraphy, such as accurately drawing letters and words and organizing ideas according to writing rules. The study also explores the challenges facing calligraphy education, including the similarity of letters and difficulty in distinguishing between them, as well as the lack of emphasis on developing calligraphy skills by some teachers. It proposes improving the curriculum, providing specialized training programs for teachers, and developing objective assessment tools, thereby contributing to enhancing the cultural and educational identity of students.</p>2024-06-01T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024'līm Mahārāt al-Khaṭ al-'Arabī fī al-Katātīb al-Qur'ānīyah al-Ḥadīthah تعليم مهارات الخط العربي في الكتاتيب القرآنية الحديثة2024-09-04T06:50:25+00:00أحمد غربا<p>Invention of writing has raised the status of human history above all other creatures, which clearly justifies its importance in communication, recording events, immortalizing monuments, and transmitting it from one generation to the next. We can understand from the above statement, the secret of Arabic Calligraphy, and what preserved it among different nations, and various fields of knowledge, and sufficient evidence of this is the association of the definition of illiteracy among all peoples with ignorance of reading and writing. Man has practiced writing since ancient times, as it has become an effective and efficient means of communication in its various forms, and thus it is considered one of the most important duties, especially in the field of learning and teaching languages to native and non-native speakers. The importance is also envisage by someone: “If it were not for the Calligraphies, covenants, conditions, records, deeds, and every agreement, security, contract, neighborhood, and alliance would be invalidated. On this basis, this paper aims to discuss the role of modern Quranic schools in teaching Arabic calligraphy to school-age pupils. The researcher used the descriptive method, and the study results concluded that kuttab schools have a positive effect in teaching pupils Moroccan Arabic calligraphy in a logical and scientific manner.</p>2024-06-01T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 al-Thariqah al-I’tiyaadiyyat fi Ta’lim al-Khath li Thullaab al-Jaami’at استخدام الطريقة الاعتيادية في تعليم الخط لطلاب الجامعة2024-09-04T08:32:33+00:00Multazamibnuasroriazaem@gmail.comAbdul Muntaqim Al MuhamadSahrulMuhamad@gmail.comIntan<p>This study aims to find out the use of learning techniques of <em>I’tiyadiyah</em> method and to find out the effectiveness of the use of learning techniques in <em>I'tiyadiyah</em> method in khat learning in Arabic Education Study Program at Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang Malang. The research method used by researcher is quantitative method, and the approach used is experimental approach which consists of groups namely experimental group and control group. The results of this study are: 1). The application of <em>I'tiyadiyah</em> method learning techniques is as follows: the researcher explained I'tiyadiyah method first, in which the writing method used a dry pen (ordinary pen) and did not use khandam and ink, and the media used millimeter block books. 2). The use of <em>I'tiyadiyah</em> method learning technique is effective in learning khat in PBA Study Program at UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang. It is known from the results of t-test. It shows that the results of t-count is 12.43 greater than t-table (table significance) which is 5% = 1,980. It indicates that Ha is accepted, or in other words that the use of I'tiyadi Method learning technique is effective in learning khat in Arabic Language Education Study Program at Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang Malang.</p>2024-07-01T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024